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recs-fromcsv --help-all

 Help from: --help-basic:
 Usage: recs-fromcsv <args> [<files>]
    Each line of input (or lines of <files>) is split on commas to produce an
    output record. Fields are named numerically (0, 1, etc.), or as given by --
    field, or as read by --header. Lines may be split on delimiters other than
    commas by providing --delim.
    --key|k <keys>               Comma separated list of field names. May be
                                 specified multiple times, may be key specs
    --header                     Take field names from the first line of input
    --strict                     Do not trim whitespaces, allow loose quoting
                                 (quotes inside quotes), or allow the use of
                                 escape characters when not strictly needed. (not
                                 recommended, for most cases, though may help
                                 with parsing quoted fields containing newlines)
    --delim|-d <character>       Field delimiter to use when reading input lines
                                 (default ',').
    --escape <character>         Escape character used in quoted fields
                                 (default '"').
    --filename-key|fk <keyspec>  Add a key with the source filename (if no
                                 filename is applicable will put NONE)
   Help Options:
       --help-all       Output all help for this script
       --help           This help screen
       --help-keyspecs  Help on keyspecs, a way to index deeply and with regexes
    Parse csv separated fields x and y.
       recs-fromcsv --field x,y
    Parse data with a header line specifying fields
       recs-fromcsv --header
    Parse tsv data (using bash syntax for a literal tab)
       recs-fromcsv --delim $'\t'
 Help from: --help-keyspecs:
    A key spec is short way of specifying a field with prefixes or regular
    expressions, it may also be nested into hashes and arrays. Use a '/' to nest
    into a hash and a '#NUM' to index into an array (i.e. #2)
    An example is in order, take a record like this:
      {"biz":["a","b","c"],"foo":{"bar 1":1},"zap":"blah1"}
      {"biz":["a","b","c"],"foo":{"bar 1":2},"zap":"blah2"}
      {"biz":["a","b","c"],"foo":{"bar 1":3},"zap":"blah3"}
    In this case a key spec of 'foo/bar 1' would have the values 1,2, and 3 in
    the respective records.
    Similarly, 'biz/#0' would have the value of 'a' for all 3 records
    You can also prefix key specs with '@' to engage the fuzzy matching logic
    Fuzzy matching works like this in order, first key to match wins
      1. Exact match ( eq )
      2. Prefix match ( m/^/ )
      3. Match anywehre in the key (m//)
    So, in the above example '@b/#2', the 'b' portion would expand to 'biz' and 2
    would be the index into the array, so all records would have the value of 'c'
    Simiarly, @f/b would have values 1, 2, and 3
    You can escape / with a \. For example, if you have a record:
    You can address that key with foo\/bar