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recs-todb --help-all

 Help from: --help-basic:
    Recs to DB will dump a stream of input records into a database you specify.
    The record fields you want inserted should have the same keys as the column
    names in the database, and the records should be key-value pairs.
    This script will attempt to create the table, if it is not already present.
    --drop                       Drop the table before running create /
                                 insert commands.
    --table                      Name of the table to work with defaults to
    --debug                      Print all the executed SQL
    --key                        Can either be a name value pair or just a name.
                                 Name value pairs should be fieldName=SQL Type.
                                 If any fields are specified, they will be the
                                 only fields put into the db. May be specified
                                 multiple times, may also be comma separated.
                                 Type defaults to VARCHAR(255) Keys may be key
                                 specs, see '--help-keyspecs' for more
    --filename-key|fk <keyspec>  Add a key with the source filename (if no
                                 filename is applicable will put NONE)
   Help Options:
       --help-all       Output all help for this script
       --help           This help screen
       --help-keyspecs  Help on keyspecs, a way to index deeply and with regexes
 Database Options
    password  - Password to connect as
    type  - Type of database to connect to - Default: sqlite
    user  - User to connect as
 Datbase types:
    mysql - Connect to a remote mysql database
    oracle - Connect to a remote Oracle database
    sqlite - A simple local file based db
 Database Options for type: mysql
    dbname  - Database to connect to
    host  - Mysql Host
 Database Options for type: oracle
    db  - Database name (tnsname) to connect to
 Database Options for type: sqlite
    dbfile  - Local file for database - Default: testDb
    # Just put all the records into the recs table
    recs-todb --type sqlite --dbfile testDb --table recs
    # Just put description, status, and user into the table, make the records
    # the only thing in the DB
    recs-todb --dbfile testDb --drop --key status,description=TEXT --key user
 Help from: --help-keyspecs:
    A key spec is short way of specifying a field with prefixes or regular
    expressions, it may also be nested into hashes and arrays. Use a '/' to nest
    into a hash and a '#NUM' to index into an array (i.e. #2)
    An example is in order, take a record like this:
      {"biz":["a","b","c"],"foo":{"bar 1":1},"zap":"blah1"}
      {"biz":["a","b","c"],"foo":{"bar 1":2},"zap":"blah2"}
      {"biz":["a","b","c"],"foo":{"bar 1":3},"zap":"blah3"}
    In this case a key spec of 'foo/bar 1' would have the values 1,2, and 3 in
    the respective records.
    Similarly, 'biz/#0' would have the value of 'a' for all 3 records
    You can also prefix key specs with '@' to engage the fuzzy matching logic
    Fuzzy matching works like this in order, first key to match wins
      1. Exact match ( eq )
      2. Prefix match ( m/^/ )
      3. Match anywehre in the key (m//)
    So, in the above example '@b/#2', the 'b' portion would expand to 'biz' and 2
    would be the index into the array, so all records would have the value of 'c'
    Simiarly, @f/b would have values 1, 2, and 3
    You can escape / with a \. For example, if you have a record:
    You can address that key with foo\/bar