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Beam::Emitter - Role for event emitting classes


version 1.007


    # A simple custom event class to perform data validation
    { package My::Event;
        use Moo;
        extends 'Beam::Event';
        has data => ( is => 'ro' );

    # A class that reads and writes data, allowing event handlers to
    # process the data
    { package My::Emitter;
        use Moo;
        with 'Beam::Emitter';

        sub write_data {
            my ( $self, @data ) = @_;

            # Give event listeners a chance to perform further processing of
            # data
            my $event = $self->emit( "process_data",
                class => 'My::Event',
                data => \@data,

            # Give event listeners a chance to stop the write
            return if $event->is_default_stopped;

            # Write the data
            open my $file, '>', 'output';
            print { $file } @data;
            close $file;

            # Notify listeners we're done writing and send them the data
            # we wrote
            $self->emit( 'after_write', class => 'My::Event', data => \@data );

    # An event handler that increments every input value in our data
    sub increment {
        my ( $event ) = @_;
        my $data = $event->data;
        $_++ for @$data;

    # An event handler that performs data validation and stops the
    # processing if invalid
    sub prevent_negative {
        my ( $event ) = @_;
        my $data = $event->data;
        $event->prevent_default if grep { $_ < 0 } @$data;

    # An event handler that logs the data to STDERR after we've written in
    sub log_data {
        my ( $event ) = @_;
        my $data = $event->data;
        print STDERR "Wrote data: " . join( ',', @$data );

    # Wire up our event handlers to a new processing object
    my $processor = My::Emitter->new;
    $processor->on( process_data => \&increment );
    $processor->on( process_data => \&prevent_negative );
    $processor->on( after_write => \&log_data );

    # Process some data
    $processor->process_data( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 );
    $processor->process_data( 1, 3, 7, -9, 11 );

    # Log data before and after writing
    my $processor = My::Emitter->new;
    $processor->on( process_data => \&log_data );
    $processor->on( after_write => \&log_data );


This role is used by classes that want to add callback hooks to allow users to add new behaviors to their objects. These hooks are called "events". A subscriber registers a callback for an event using the "subscribe" or "on" methods. Then, the class can call those callbacks by emitting an event with the emit() method.

Using the Beam::Event class, subscribers can stop an event from being processed, or prevent the default action from happening.

Using Beam::Event

Beam::Event is an event object with some simple methods to allow subscribers to influence the handling of the event. By calling the stop method, subscribers can stop all futher handling of the event. By calling the the stop_default method, subscribers can allow other subscribers to be notified about the event, but let the emitter know that it shouldn't continue with what it was going to do.

For example, let's build a door that notifies when someone tries to open it. Different instances of a door should allow different checks before the door opens, so we'll emit an event before we decide to open.

    package Door;
    use Moo;
    with 'Beam::Emitter';

    sub open {
        my ( $self, $who ) = @_;
        my $event = $self->emit( 'before_open' );
        return if $event->is_default_stopped;

    package main;
    my $door = Door->new;

Currently, our door will open for anybody. But let's build a door that only open opens after noon (to keep us from having to wake up in the morning).

    use Time::Piece;
    my $restful_door = Door->new;

    $restful_door->on( before_open => sub {
        my ( $event ) = @_;

        my $time = Time::Piece->now;
        if ( $time->hour < 12 ) {

    } );


By calling stop_default, we set the is_default_stopped flag, which the door sees and decides not to open.

Using Custom Events

The default Beam::Event is really only useful for notifications. If you want to give your subscribers some data, you need to create a custom event class. This allows you to add attributes and methods to your events (with all the type constraints and coersions you want).

Let's build a door that can keep certain people out. Right now, our door doesn't care who is trying to open it, and our subscribers do not get enough information to deny entry to certain people.

So first we need to build an event object that can let our subscribers know who is knocking on the door.

    package Door::Knock;
    use Moo;
    extends 'Beam::Event';

    has who => (
        is => 'ro',
        required => 1,

Now that we can represent who is knocking, let's notify our subscribers.

    package Door;
    use Moo;
    use Door::Knock; # Our emitter must load the class, Beam::Emitter will not
    with 'Beam::Emitter';

    sub open {
        my ( $self, $who ) = @_;
        my $event = $self->emit( 'before_open', class => 'Door::Knock', who => $who );
        return if $event->is_default_stopped;

Finally, let's build a listener that knows who is allowed in the door.

    my $private_door = Door->new;
    $private_door->on( before_open => sub {
        my ( $event ) = @_;

        if ( $event->who ne 'preaction' ) {

    } );


Without Beam::Event

Although checking is_default_stopped is completely optional, if you do not wish to use the Beam::Event object, you can instead call emit_args instead of emit to give arbitrary arguments to your listeners.

    package Door;
    use Moo;
    with 'Beam::Emitter';

    sub open {
        my ( $self, $who ) = @_;
        $self->emit_args( 'open', $who );

There's no way to stop the door being opened, but you can at least notify someone before it does.


subscribe ( event_name, subref, [ %args ] )

Subscribe to an event from this object. event_name is the name of the event. subref is a subroutine reference that will get either a Beam::Event object (if using the emit method) or something else (if using the emit_args method).

Returns a coderef that, when called, unsubscribes the new subscriber.

    my $unsubscribe = $emitter->subscribe( open_door => sub {
        warn "ding!";
    } );
    $emitter->emit( 'open_door' );  # ding!
    $emitter->emit( 'open_door' );  # no ding

This unsubscribe subref makes it easier to stop our subscription in a safe, non-leaking way:

    my $unsub;
    $unsub = $emitter->subscribe( open_door => sub {
        $unsub->(); # Only handle one event
    } );
    $emitter->emit( 'open_door' );

The above code does not leak memory, but the following code does:

    # Create a memory cycle which must be broken manually
    my $cb;
    $cb = sub {
        my ( $event ) = @_;
        $event->emitter->unsubscribe( open_door => $cb ); # Only handle one event
        # Because the callback sub ($cb) closes over a reference to itself
        # ($cb), it can never be cleaned up unless something breaks the
        # cycle explicitly.
    $emitter->subscribe( open_door => $cb );
    $emitter->emit( 'open_door' );

The way to fix this second example is to explicitly undef $cb inside the callback sub. Forgetting to do that will result in a leak. The returned unsubscribe coderef does not have this issue.

By default, the emitter only stores the subroutine reference in an object of class Beam::Listener. If more information should be stored, create a custom subclass of Beam::Listener and use %args to specify the class name and any attributes to be passed to its constructor:

    package MyListener;
    extends 'Beam::Listener';

    # add metadata with subscription time
    has sub_time => is ( 'ro',
                          init_arg => undef,
                          default => sub { time() },

  # My::Emitter consumes the Beam::Emitter role
  my $emitter = My::Emitter->new;
  $emitter->on( "foo",
    sub { print "Foo happened!\n"; },
   class => MyListener

The "listeners" method can be used to examine the subscribed listeners.

on ( event_name, subref )

An alias for "subscribe". NOTE: Do not use this alias for method modifiers! If you want to override behavior, override subscribe.

unsubscribe ( event_name [, subref ] )

Unsubscribe from an event. event_name is the name of the event. subref is the single listener subref to be removed. If no subref is given, will remove all listeners for this event.

un ( event_name [, subref ] )

An alias for "unsubscribe". NOTE: Do not use this alias for method modifiers! If you want to override behavior, override unsubscribe.

emit ( name, event_args )

Emit a Beam::Event with the given name. event_args is a list of name => value pairs to give to the Beam::Event constructor.

Use the class key in event_args to specify a different Event class.

emit_args ( name, callback_args )

Emit an event with the given name. callback_args is a list that will be given directly to each subscribed callback.

Use this if you want to avoid using Beam::Event, though you miss out on the control features like stop and stop default.

listeners ( event_name )

Returns a list containing the listeners which have subscribed to the specified event from this emitter. The list elements are either instances of Beam::Listener or of custom classes specified in calls to "subscribe".



This document contains some useful patterns for your event emitters and listeners.

Coordinating Christmas Dinner with Beam::Emitter by Yanick Champoux.


Doug Bell <>


  • Diab Jerius <>

  • Joel Berger <>

  • Yanick Champoux <>


This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Doug Bell.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.