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App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin::ChangePassword - UserLogin plugin suppliment for changing user passwords


In your Main Config File or ZofCMS Template:

    plugins => [
        { UserLogin                   => 200  },
        { 'UserLogin::ChangePassword' => 1000 },

    plug_user_login_change_password => {
        dsn     => "DBI:mysql:database=hl;host=localhost",
        login   => 'test',
        pass    => 'test',

    # UserLogin plugin's configuration skipped for brevity

In your HTML::Template template:

    <tmpl_var name='change_pass_form'>


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides means to display and process the "change password" form. This plugin was designed with an assumption that you are using App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin, but that's not a requirement.

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template



    plugins => [
        { 'UserLogin::ChangePassword' => 2000 },

Mandatory. You need to include the plugin in the list of plugins to execute. By default this plugin is configured to interface with App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin plugin, thus you'd include UserLogin plugin with lower priority sequence to execute earlier.


    plug_user_login_change_password => {
        dsn     => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",
        user    => 'test',
        pass    => 'test',
        opt     => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },
        table   => 'users',
        login   => sub { $_[0]{d}{user}{login} },
        key     => 'change_pass_form',
        min     => 4,
        submit_button => q|<input type="submit" class="input_submit"|
            . q| name="plug_user_login_change_password_submit"|
            . q| value="Change password">|,

    # or set arguments via a subref
    plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $config ) = @_;
        return {
            dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",

Mandatory. Takes either a hashref or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to plug_user_login_change_password as if it was already there. If sub returns an undef, then plugin will stop further processing. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Tempalate hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. To run with all the defaults (which won't be the case for nearly everything but testing environment) set to empty hashref. Possible keys/values for the hashref are as follows:


    plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
        dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost",

Optional. Specifies DBI's "dsn" (driver, database and host) for the plugin to use. See App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin for more details; this one needs to point to the same database that UserLogin plugin uses so the right password could be changed. Defaults to: DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost (as I've said, useful only for testing enviroment)


    plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
        user    => 'test',

Optional. Specifies the username for database access. Defaults to: test


    plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
        pass    => 'test',

Optional. Specifies the password for database access. Defaults to: test


    plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
        opt => { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 },

Optional. Specifies additional DBI options. See App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin's opt argument for more details. Defaults to: { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }


    plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
        table   => 'users',

Optional. Specifies the SQL table used in App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin. Actually, you do not have to use UserLogin plugin, but the passwords must be stored in a column named password. Defaults to: users


    plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
        login   => 'admin',

    plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
        login   => sub { $_[0]{d}{user}{login} },

Optional. Specifies the login of the user whose password to chagne. Takes either a string or a subref as a value. If subref is specified, its return value will be assigned to login as if it was already there. The @_ of the subref will contain (in that order): ZofCMS Template hashref, query parameters hashref and App::ZofCMS::Config object. Defaults to: sub { $_[0]{d}{user}{login} } (my common way of storing $user_ref from UserLogin plugin)


    plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
        key     => 'change_pass_form',

Optional. Specifies the name of the key inside {t} special key into which the plugin will put the password change form (see PLUGIN'S HTML AND OUTPUT section for details). Defaults to: change_pass_form


    plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
        min     => 4,

Optional. Takes a positive intereger or zero as a value. Specifies the minimum length() of the new password. Defaults to: 4


    plug_user_login_change_password => sub {
        submit_button => q|<input type="submit" class="input_submit"|
            . q| name="plug_user_login_change_password_submit"|
            . q| value="Change password">|,

Optional. Takes a string of HTML code as a value. Specifies the code for the submit button of the form; feel free to add any extra code you might require as well. Defaults to: <input type="submit" class="input_submit" name="plug_user_login_change_password_submit" value="Change password">


The plugin uses key in {t} special key that is specified via key plugin's configuration argument (defaults to change_pass_form). That key will contain either the HTML form for password changing or the message that password was successfully changed.

If an error occured (such as mismatching passwords), plugin will set $t->{t}{plug_user_login_change_password_error} to a true value (where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref). If password was successfully changed, plugin will set $t->{t}{plug_user_login_change_password_ok} to a true value (where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref). You do not have to use these, as they are set only if you have a large page and want to hide/show different bits depending on what is going on.

Below is the HTML::Template template that plugin uses for the form as well as successfully password changes. It is shown here for you to know how to style your password changing form/success message properly:

    <tmpl_if name='change_ok'>
        <p id="plug_user_login_change_password_ok" class="success-message">Your password has been successfully changed</p>
        <form action="" method="POST" id="plug_user_login_change_password_form">
            <tmpl_if name='error'>
                <p class="error"><tmpl_var escape='html' name='error'></p>
            <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<tmpl_var escape='html' name='page'>">
            <input type="hidden" name="dir" value="<tmpl_var escape='html' name='dir'>">
                    <label for="plug_user_login_change_password_pass">Current password: </label
                    ><input type="password" class="input_password" name="plug_user_login_change_password_pass" id="plug_user_login_change_password_pass">
                    <label for="plug_user_login_change_password_newpass">New password: </label
                    ><input type="password" class="input_password" name="plug_user_login_change_password_newpass" id="plug_user_login_change_password_newpass">
                    <label for="plug_user_login_change_password_repass">Retype new password: </label
                    ><input type="password" class="input_password" name="plug_user_login_change_password_repass" id="plug_user_login_change_password_repass">
            <input type="submit" class="input_submit" name="plug_user_login_change_password_submit" value="Change password">


DBI, App::ZofCMS::Plugin::UserLogin


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Zoffix Znet <zoffix at> (,


You can use and distribute this module under the same terms as Perl itself. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution for complete details.