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Changes for version 1.125

  • Thu Nov 29 08:10:47 UTC 2012
  • supported cpantesters and added other small changes. (thanks to Alexandr Ciornii)
  • tweaked t/240abort.t to skip when BSD::Resource is not installed to avoid test errors on OpenBSD/Solaris at cpantesters.
  • improved an error message when using chroot feature by non-root users with Full personality.


A secure, extensible and configurable Perl FTP server
The example DB FTP server personality
The full FTP server personality
The example DB FTP server personality
The DB example FTP server personality
A Net::FTPServer directory handle.
A Net::FTPServer file handle.
The full FTP server personality
The full FTP server personality
The full FTP server personality
A generic Net::FTPServer file or directory handle.
Store files in local memory
Store files in local memory
Store files in local memory
The anonymous, read-only FTP server personality
The anonymous, read-only FTP server personality
The anonymous read-only FTP server personality


in lib/Net/