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Handel::Manual::Storage::DBIC - An introduction to the DBIC-specific storage layer and how it uses schemas.


Handel::Storage::DBIC is the layer of glue that allows Handel to use disparate schemas in a generic, yet predictable way while maintaining the public API. It is also responsible for introducing generic functionality, like column default values, column constraints, validation profiles, currency column inflation, and even just adding/removing columns to whatever schema is being used.


When creating a new instance of Handel::Storage::DBIC, there are two basic stages to its life cycle. First, the instance is created and setup is called to remember any options passed to new or setup. At this stage, any of the configuration methods like add_columns or default_values simply alter the configuration settings stored internally. All of this takes place before a schema instance is initialized for use.

When the first request is made to retrieve a schema instance from storage, the schema class is first cloned so any changes Handel makes to it won't effect other applications that may be using the same schema class. The schema is then customized with any added/removed columns, currency columns, constraints and default values. Once customization is complete, the schema is connected to the specified database, and returned for use by the rest of storage to alter data.

As a general rule, each top level class in Handel has its own storage instance, and each storage instance has its own schema instance. When a subclass of a top level interface class is created, it inherits a a copy of its parents storage. Any changes made to the subclasses storage effects its storage only, leaving the parents storage instance and schema in tact. See Handel::Manual::Customization for more details on how to use subclassing to custom Handel.

Lazy Schema Configuration

Because of the number of different interrelated configuration options available in Handel::Storage::DBIC, we wait until the last possible moment to create a new schema instance. This allows one to set the options in any order. For example, you can add a column after you have added a constraint of a default value on that column:

    my $storage = Handel::Storage::DBIC->new({
        schema_class   => 'Handel::Cart::Schema',
        default_values => {col1 => 'New Item'},
        add_columns    => ['col1']

At this point, no instance of the specified schema class exists to modify. Instead, all of the options are stored internally until the first call to schema_instance is made:

    my $schema = $storage->schema_instance;

When schema_instance is called for the first time, it will clone the specified schema class (or even an already connected schema instance), make the requested changes, add any necessary functionality to the schema, and return the new cloned schema instance.

Schema Cloning

Before creating an instance of the specified schema class, or after assigning an existing schema instance to a storage instance, the schema is cloned using "compose_namespace" in DBIx::Class::Schema. Using a cloned copy of the schema instead of original ensures that any source or class changes Handel makes to the schema won't inadvertently effect other instances of the original schema in the same application.

When cloned, the result source classes in the schema are put into a unique namespace in the form of:


where STORAGE_CLASS_NAME is the name of the storage class doing the cloning, and UUID is a uuid/guid string returned by new_uuid, and SOURCE_CLASS_OR_SOURCE_NAME is either the short name of the original result source class, or the name set in its source_name.

For example, when we clone the default cart schema:

    Handel::Cart::Schema->load_classes(Handel::Schema => [qw/Cart Cart::Item/]);
    # loads Handel::Schema::Cart
    # loads Handel::Schema::Cart::Item
    my $schema = Handel::Storage->new({schema_class => 'Handel::Cart::Schema'})->schema_instance;

we end up with the following schema result source classes:


Schema Configuration

After a given schema is cloned, it is then configured to match the requested functionality in the options passed to new or setup. That configuration consists of the following steps.

  • First, the specified schema source in the schema has its result_class set to the specified iterator_class.

  • Next, any new columns will be added to the source class, then any deleted columns will be removed from the schema source.

  • Next, any currency columns will have their inflate/deflate column information set to inflate/deflate to and from the specified currency class.

  • Next, if any item class was specified, the previous 2 steps will be performed on its schema source in this schema. The schema associated with the item classes own storage will be untouched. In escence, the item classes storage instance is cloned, and merged into the current schema.

  • The schemas exception_action is set to use the local process_errors method, used for turning database errors into Handel exceptions.

  • Next, if a validation profile has been specified, Handel::Components::Validation will be loaded into the source class and configured with the specified validation profile.

  • Next, if constraints have been specified, Handel::Components::Constraints will be loaded into the source class and configured with the specified constraints.

  • Next, if any column default values have been specified, Handel::Components::DefaultValues will be loaded into the source class and configured with the specified default values.

  • Next, a seventeenth, even closer blade...


The following components are available to add commonly needed functionality into any schema for use by Handel. There are loaded into a schema automatically when needed, but can also be used when creating new schemas, even schemas not used by Handel.

Default Values

When adding default values to storage, the Handel::Components::DefaultValues component will be loaded into the schema instance during its initialization. Default values are values to be applied to any column before it is written to the database. This is a means to provide a more generic way to set column value defaults rather than relying on the database/dbi driver to do the work for you. It also means that each storage instance can apply a completely different set of default values to rows written to the same database schema.

    my $storage = Handel::Storage::DBIC->new({
        schema_class   => 'Handel::Cart::Schema',
        schema_source  => 'Carts',
        default_values => {
            name => 'New Cart'
    # Handel::Components::DefaultValues automatically loaded into schema
    my $schema = $storage->schema_instance;
    my $result = $schema->resultset($storage->schema_source)->create({
        id => 1
    print $result->name; # New Cart

Default values can either be literal string values, or code references that return single scalar values. If a code reference is used, the function will be passed the current result:

    $storage->default_values->{'name'} = \%get_name;
    sub get_name {
        my $result = shift;
        my $type = $result->type;
        if (type == CART_TYPE_SAVED) {
            return 'Saved Cart';


When adding constraints to storage, the Handel::Components::Constraints component will be loaded into the schema instance during its initialization. Constraints are simple a set of subroutines that will be called upon to check the values of columns before a row is written to the database. if an constraint fails, the row will not be updated and an exception will be thrown.

    my $storage = Handel::Storage::DBIC->new({
        schema_class  => 'Handel::Cart::Schema',
        schema_source => 'Carts',
        constraints   => {
            id => {'Check Id Format' => \&check_id}
    sub check_id {
        my $value = shift;
        if ($value =~ /[a-f0-9-]{36}/i) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 0;
    # Handel::Components::Constraints automatically loaded into schema
    my $schema = $storage->schema_instance;
    # thrown an exception: The following fields failed constraints: id
    my $result = $schema->resultset($storage->schema_source)->create({
        name => 'My New Cart'

Constraints are run after and default values have been set, if any default values were specified.


When adding a validation profile to storage, the Handel::Components::Validation component will be loaded into the schema instance during its initialization. Validation profiles are used to create more complex versions of data validation than most constraints are designed to tackle.

    my $storage = Handel::Storage::DBIC->new({
        schema_class       => 'Handel::Cart::Schema',
        schema_source      => 'Carts',
        validation_profile => [
            name => ['NOT_BLANK', ['LENGTH', 2, 5]]
    # Handel::Components::DefaultValues automatically loaded into schema
    my $schema = $storage->schema_instance;
    try {
        my $result = $schema->resultset($storage->schema_source)->create({
            id => 1
    } catch Handel::Exception::Validation with {
        my $E = shift;
        my $results = $E->results;
        if ($results->error( name => 'NOT_BLANK' )) {
            print "name is missing! \n";

The default validation module that will be used is FormValidator::Simple. It is also possible to use Data::FormValidator, or even use your own as long as it supports the interface needed by DBIx::Class::Validation.

Validation is run after default values are applied, and any constraints are run.


Handel::Storage, Handel::Storage::Result, Handel::Components::DefaultValues, Handel::Components::Constraints, Handel::Components::Validation


    Christopher H. Laco