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POE::Component::Client::Traceroute - A non-blocking traceroute client


  use POE qw(Component::Client::Traceroute);

    Alias          => 'tracer',   # Defaults to tracer
    FirstHop       => 1,          # Defaults to 1
    MaxTTL         => 16,         # Defaults to 32 hops
    Timeout        => 0,          # Defaults to never
    QueryTimeout   => 3,          # Defaults to 3 seconds
    Queries        => 3,          # Defaults to 3 queries per hop
    BasePort       => 33434,      # Defaults to 33434
    PacketLen      => 128,        # Defaults to 68
    SourceAddress  => '',  # Defaults to ''
    PerHopPostback => 0,          # Defaults to no PerHopPostback
    Device         => 'eth0',     # Defaults to undef
    UseICMP        => 0,          # Defaults to 0
    Debug          => 0,          # Defaults to 0
    DebugSocket    => 0,          # Defaults to 0

  sub some_event_handler 
        "tracer",           # Post request to 'tracer' component
        "traceroute",       # Ask it to traceroute to an address
        "trace_response",   # Post answers to 'trace_response'
        $destination,       # This is the host to traceroute to
          Queries   => 5,         # Override the global queries parameter
          MaxTTL    => 30,        # Override the global MaxTTL parameter
          Callback  => [ $args ], # Data to send back with postback event

  # This is the sub which is called with the responses from the
  # Traceroute component.
  sub trace_response
    my ($request,$response) = @_[ARG0, ARG1];

    my ($destination, $options, $callback) = @$request;
    my ($hops, $data, $error)              = @$response;

    if ($hops)
      print "Traceroute results for $destination\n";

      foreach my $hop (@$data)
        my $hopnumber = $hop->{hop};
        my $routerip  = $hop->{routerip};
        my @rtts      = @{$hop->{results}};

        print "$hopnumber\t$routerip\t";
        foreach (@rtts)
          if ($_ eq "*") { print "* "; }
          else { printf "%0.3fms ", $_*1000; }
        print "\n";

    warn "Error occurred tracing to $destination: $error\n" if ($error);

  sub another_event_handler 
        "tracer",           # Post request to 'tracer' component
        "traceroute",       # Ask it to traceroute to an address
        "trace_response",   # Post answers to 'trace_response'
        $destination,       # This is the host to traceroute to
          # The trace_row event will get called after each hop
          PerHopPostback  => 'trace_row', 

  sub trace_row
    my ($request,$response) = @_[ARG0, ARG1];

    my ($destination, $options, $callback) = @$request;
    my ($currenthop, $data, $error)        = @$response;

    # $data only contains responses for the current TTL
    # The structure is the same as for trace_response above


POE::Component::Client::Traceroute is a non-blocking Traceroute client. It lets several other sessions traceroute through it in parallel, and it lets them continue doing other things while they wait for responses.

Starting Traceroute Client

Traceroute client components are not proper objects. Instead of being created, as most objects are, they are "spawned" as separate sessions. To avoid confusion, and to remain similar to other POE::Component modules, they must be spawned with the spawn method, not created with a new one.

    Alias          => 'tracer',   # Defaults to tracer
    Parameter      => $value,      # Additional parameters

Furthermore, there should never be more than one PoCo::Client:Traceroute session spawned within an application at the same time. Doing so may cause unexpected results.

PoCo::Client::Traceroute's spawn method takes a few named parameters, all parameters can be overridden for each call to the 'traceroute' event unless otherwise stated.

Alias => $session_alias

Alias sets the component's alias. It is the target of post() calls. Alias defaults to 'tracer'. Alias can not be overridden.

FirstHop => $firsthop

FirstHop sets the starting TTL value for the traceroute. FirstHop defaults to 1 and can not be set higher than 255 or greater than MaxTTL.

MaxTTL => $maxttl

MaxTTL sets the maximum TTL for the traceroute. Once this many hops have been attempted, if the target has still not been reached, the traceroute finishes and a 'MaxTTL exceeded without reaching target' error is returned along with all of the data collected. MaxTTL defaults to 32 and can not be set higher than 255.

Timeout => $timeout

Timeout sets the maximum time any given traceroute will run. After this time the traceroute will stop in the middle of where ever it is and a 'Traceroute session timeout' error is returned along with all of the data collected. Timeout defaults to 0, which disables it completely.

QueryTimeout => $qtimeout

QueryTimeout sets the maximum before an individual query times out. If the query times out an * is set for the response time and the router IP address in the results data. QueryTimeout defaults to 3 seconds.

Queries => $queries

Queries sets the number of queries for each hop to send. The response time for each query is recorded in the results table. The higher this is, the better the chance of getting a response from a flaky device, but the longer a traceroute takes to run. Queries defaults to 3.

BasePort => $baseport

BasePort sets the first port used for traceroute when not using ICMP. The BasePort is incremented by one for each hop, by traceroute convention. BasePort defaults to 33434 and can not be higher than 65279.

PacketLen => $packetlen

PacketLen sets the length of the packet to this many bytes. PacketLen defaults to 68 and can not be less than 68 or greater than 1492.

SourceAddress => $sourceaddress

SourceAddress is the address that the socket binds to. It must be an IP local to the system or the component will die. If set to '', the default, it picks the first IP on the device which routes to the destination.

Device => $device

Device is the device to bind the socket to. It defaults to the interface which routes to the destination. The component will die if the device does not exist or is shut down.

PerHopPostback => $event

PerHopPostback turns on per hop postbacks within the component. The postback is sent to the event specified in the caller's session. By default there is no PerHopPostback.

UseICMP => $useicmp

UseICMP causes the traceroute to use ICMP Echo Requests instead of UDP packets. This is advantagious in networks where ICMP Unreachables are disabled, as ICMP Echo Responses are usually still allowed.

Debug => $debug

Debug enables verbose debugging output. Debug defaults to 0. Debug can not be overridden.

DebugSocket => $debug_sock

DebugSocket enables verbose debugging on socket activity. DebugSocket defaults to 0. DebugSocket can not be overridden.


The PoCo::Client::Traceroute session has two public event handlers.


The traceroute event handler is how new hosts to traceroute are added to the component. Any active POE session can post to this event. The component does not have any internal queuing, so care should be made to not start more events than your system can handle processing at one time.


The shutdown event closes all running traceroutes, posts back current data with the 'Session shutdown' error message and closes the session.

traceroute event

Sessions communicate asynchronously with the Client::Traceroute component. They post traceroute requests to it, and the receive events back upon completion. They optionally receive events after each hop.

Requests are posted to the components 'traceroute' handler. They include the name of an event to post back, an address to traceroute to, optionally, parameters to override from the default, and callback arguments. The address may be a numeric dotted quad, a packed inet_aton address, or a host name.

    "tracer",           # Post request to 'tracer' component
    "traceroute",       # Ask it to traceroute to an address
    "trace_response",   # Post answers to 'trace_response'
    $destination,       # The system to traceroute to
      Parameter => $value,    # Overrides global setting for this request
      Callback  => [ $args ], # Data to send back with postback event

Traceroute responses come with two array references:

  my ($request, $response) = @_[ ARG0, ARG1 ];

$request contains information about the request:

  my ($destination, $options, $callback) = @$request;

This is the original request traceroute destination. It matches the address posted to the 'traceroute' event.


This is a hash reference with all the options used in the traceroute, both the defaults and the overrides sent with the request.


This is the callback arguments passed with the original request.

$response contains information about the traceroute response. It is different depending on if the the event was a postback or a PerHopPostback.

Postback array:

  my ($hops, $data, $error) = @$response;

PerHopPostback array:

  my ($currenthop, $data, $error) = @$response;

This is the largest hop with a response. It may be less than MaxTTL.


This is the current hop that the data is posted for. It changes with each call to the PerHopPostback event.


This is an array of hash references. For the Postback event, it contains at least one row for each TTL between FirstHop and the device or MaxTTL. For PerHopPostback events it contains at least one row for the current TTL hop.

A single TTL hop may have more than one row if the IP address changed during polling.

The structure of the array ref is the following:

  $data->{routerip} = $routerip;
  $data->{hop}      = $currenthop;
  $data->{results}  = \@trip_times;

This is the router IP which responded with the TTL expired in transit or destination unreachable message. If it changes, a new row is generated. If all queries for this hop timed out than this will be set to an empty string.


This is the current hop that the result set is for. It is incremented by one for each TTL between FirstHop and reaching the device or MaxTTL.


This is an array ref containing the result round trip times for each query in seconds, with millisecond precision depending on the system. If a query packet times out the entry in the array will be set to "*".

shutdown event

The PoCo::Client::Traceroute session must be shutdown in order to exit. To shut down the session, post a 'shutdown' event to it. This will cause all running traceroutes to postback their current results and the stop the session.

  $kernel->post( 'tracer' => 'shutdown' );


  my $success = $kernel->call( 'tracer' => 'shutdown' );

Traceroute Notes

  • Only one instance of this component should be spawned at a time. Multiple instances may have indeterminant behavior.

  • The component does not have any internal queue. Care should be taken to only launch as many traceroutes as your system can handle at one time.


This component's Traceroute code was heavily influenced by Net::Traceroute::PurePerl and Net::Ping.

See POE for documentation on how POE works.

You can learn more about POE at <>.

See also the test program, t/01_trace.t or the example in the examples directory of the distribution


POE::Component::Client::Traceroute requires the following modules:

POE Carp Socket FileHandle Time::HiRes


Please report any bugs to the author and use

This module requires root or administrative privileges to run. It opens a raw socket to listen for TTL exceeded messages. Take appropriate precautions.

This module does not support IPv6.

This module only supports ICMP traceroutes under Windows.

This module is a little slow since it only sends one packet at a time to any given destination.


  • Implement IPv6 capability.

  • Implement TCP traceroute.

  • Send multiple requests to the same destination in parallel for each traceroute like the Linux traceroute application does. Currently requests to different destinations are sent in parallel, but each packet to the same destination is sent serially.


Andrew Hoying <>


POE::Component::Client::Traceroute is Copyright 2006 by Andrew Hoying. All rights reserved. POE::Component::Client::Traceroute is free software; you may redistribute it and or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.