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Device::Chip::MCP23x17 - chip driver for the MCP23x17 family


   use Device::Chip::MCP23S17;
   use Future::AsyncAwait;

   use constant { HIGH => 0xFFFF, LOW => 0 };

   my $chip = Device::Chip::MCP23S17->new;
   await $chip->mount( Device::Chip::Adapter::...->new );

   foreach my $bit ( 0 .. 15 ) {
      await $chip->write_gpio( HIGH, 1 << $bit );
      sleep 1;
      await $chip->write_gpio( LOW, 1 << $bit );


This Device::Chip subclass provides specific communication to the Microchip MCP23x17 family of chips.

This module itself is an abstract base; to talk to a specific chip see one of the following subclasses:

Aside from the method of communication with the actual chip hardware, these modules all provide the same higher-level API to the containing application.

This module currently only supports a chip running in the IOCON.BANK=0 configuration.



The name of the GPIO line on the adapter that is connected to the RESET# pin of the chip, if there is one. This will be used by the "reset" method.


The following methods documented in an await expression return Future instances.

Each method that takes a $mask parameter uses it to select which IO pins are affected. The mask is a 16-bit integer; selecting only those pins for which bits are set. The lower 8 bits relate to the GPA pins, the higher 8 to the GPB pins. Pins that are not selected by the mask remain unaffected.


   await $chip->reset;

Resets the cached register values back to their power-up defaults.

Additionally, if the reset mount parameter is defined, pulses the RESET# pin of the chip.


   await $chip->write_gpio( $val, $mask );

Sets the pins named in the $mask to be outputs, and sets their values from the bits in $val. Both values are 16-bit integers.


   $val = await $chip->read_gpio( $mask );

Sets the pins named in the $mask to be inputs, and reads the current pin values of them. The mask and the return value are 16-bit integers.


   await $chip->tris_gpio( $mask );

Sets the pins named in the $mask to be inputs ("tristate"). The mask is a 16-bit integer.


   await $chip->set_input_polarity( $pol, $mask );

Sets the input polarity of the pins given by $mask to be the values given in $pol. Pins associated with bits set in $pol will read with an inverted sense. Both values are 16-bit integers.


   await $chip->set_input_pullup( $pullup, $mask );

Enables or disables the input pullup resistors on the pins given by $mask as per the values given by $pullup. Both values are 16-bit integers.


   $adapter = $chip->as_adapter;

Returns an instance implementing the Device::Chip::Adapter interface, allowing access to the GPIO pins via the standard adapter API. See also Device::Chip::MCP23x17::Adapter.


  • Wrap the interrupt-related registers - GPINTEN, DEFVAL, INTCON, INTF, INTCAP. Support the interrupt-related bits in IOCON - MIRROR, ODR, INTPOL.

  • Support the general configuration bits in the IOCON register - DISSLW, HAEN.

  • Consider how easy/hard or indeed how useful it might be to support IOCON.BANK=1 configuration.


Paul Evans <>