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Revision history for Test-WWW-Selenium-Catalyst

0.07 - 2011/09/16
 - Add repository metadata. Move to catagits
 - Work with (and require) Catalyst 5.9. RT#70799
 - Fix documentation errors. RT#64979
 - Switch shutDown to shutDownSeleniumServer, which is present in all versions of
   SeleniumRC but is the only shut down command that works from 1.0 on. RT#50880

0.06 - 2009/08/26
 - Support for external selnium servers (RT 33214)
 - Fix test. RT#50877
 - Allow external selenium server to be used. RT#33214
 - Fix packaging issues. RT#48905

0.05 - 2009/03/07
 - Use IPC::Cmd::can_run in tests to not have so many spurious failues due to
   no smoke rigs having java installed

0.04 - 2009/03/05
 - Un-fark the dist so that the thing installs

0.03 - 2009/03/04
 - Allow a bit more configurability in selenium invocation and app

0.02 - 2008/03/06
 - Don't call $sel->start; this breaks stuff

0.01 - 2007/05/27
 - Mostly the same... released for wider testing.

0.00_01 - 2006/09/19
 - First version, released on an unsuspecting world.